Thursday, September 8, 2011

A. Sanders Family

 My profession is photography and I always love when I get a chance to do something fun for myself and the people I care about.  It's the best feeling when someone really loves a photograph or a piece of art I've done.  Months ago my brother asked me if I would do some family portraits for them and I finally got a chance this past weekend when I went down to visit them.

© J. Sanders Photography 2011
Amy saw this really cute little apple and peach orchard and thought it would be a great place to photograph.  There was this little old man sitting in the white chair above and I really wanted to photograph him but I didn't get a chance.  Instead I caught this interesting image of my nephews.  I love the wide angle feel and the contrast of the sky. 

© J. Sanders Photography 2011
This was the first image we tried to get.  Amber was a little freaked out to be sitting up on that branch at first but she was smiling in no time and I was able to get several photos of all three smiling.  All I used here was natural light and a reflector which Robby was nice enough to hold for me. 

© J. Sanders Photography 2011

© J. Sanders Photography 2011
Alex helped alot on this one, by trying to show me and Robby his apple he gave me the perfect opportunity to create a really interesting and visually dynamic image. 

© J. Sanders Photography 2011

The kids were having so much fun picking apples I asked them to show me the apples they picked.  One of my teachers once told me that hands are almost as expressive as the face and I've come to love trying to include shots of peoples hands in my photography.  There is so much personality there and I really like the contrast of color in the apples. 

© J. Sanders Photography
This is one of my favorite shots.  It's just love if you ask me. 

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